APRS-Tracker Bausatz / APRS tracker assembly kit
Der APRS-Tracker Bausatz wurde von DK1TEO und DJ4XSN entwickelt. Ziel war es einen Tracker zu entwickeln, der ohne Computer komplett konfigurierbar ist. Der Tracker zeigt die GPS-Position, Geschwindigkeit, Höhe und den Locator an.
The APRS tracker assembly kit was developed by DK1TEO and DJ4XSN. Target was to develop a tracker that’s completely configurable. The Tracker shows GPS-Position, Speed, Height and Locator.
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Anleitung / Manual
Bauteile / Parts
3D Print Housing / Gehäuse
Release notes
- User were able to go to next page while in edit mode
- APRS-Text can be changed (four texts available)
- APRS-Text can use variables (supply voltage, locator, BME280 values, Volt/Value of two analog ports)
- Full Reset functionality
- BME280 sensor can be used
- EEPROM-Memory test implemented (READ MANUAL!)
- Code optimized
Code / Binary
Code-Lizenz: GPLv3
Photos (Example)